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GB64 Recommended Games...

CJ's Elephant Antics
graveyardjohn says: Elephant Antics harks back to the pixel perfect jumping reminiscent of 'New Zealand Story'. Guide your elephant (CJ, or his mate) across levels of cute baddies in this multi-directional scrolling 2D platform game to reach your goal.

Java Jim in Square Shaped Trouble
Neo-Rio says: Java Jim looks like it was made by someone who did too much acid. That doesn't stop it being a weird, but fun game. You have to dig up artifcats (all of the same type) and sell them to buy ship pieces.

Speed King
Neo-Rio says: Classic rear-view cycling game. Going too fast and smashing the bike looked really funny from memory. Getting to the head of the pack of racers takes a lot of skill.

Impossible Mission
Mayhem says: The best thing Epyx did, and one of the best bits of software to ever come out of America. Compulsive, challenging (though not impossible) and filled to the gills with ingenuity and attention to detail. You'll want to stay a while... and possibly stay forever.

Steve says: So much has been said about this classic game. And yes, it's all true, the game is even better! There is no better pirate game out there even nowadays.

BC's Quest for Tires
Steve says: Hehe, still love that one. Kind of Prehistoric Jungle Hunt and great fun!

Hero of the Golden Talisman
Neo-Rio says: Huge, sprawling platform game. This one is a particularly tough challenge which will require a lot of patience to win. This means that you should be prepared to be frustrated often.

Neo-Rio says: This is a film-license adaption, and a really spiffy one it is too. Very console-esque and playable, especially for younger players.

Radar Rat Race
Neo-Rio says: Rally-X never got a C64 conversion, but Radar Rat race is a decent clone. Instead of cars and flags... we have mice and cheese! I fondly remember playing this game to death!

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