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GB64 Recommended Games...

Mayhem in Monsterland
Pugsy says: This game came at the end of the c64s mainstream life, the technical advances shine through and it's a fun game even if it does 'borrow' slightly from a certain console game.

Neo-Rio says: Ever fancied taking control of some inner city traffic lights? Now's your chance in this panic inducing game. Send the traffic on its way or create a huge traffic jam!

Brian Jack's Uchi-Mata
Steve says: I never thought Judo could ever be done well on a home computer. Until i tried this game. As soon as you get the hang with your joystick, you won't stop playing matches over and over again.

AleTsg says: A simple but great game, I have spent a lot of time on it. Not so easy to finish.

Neo-Rio says: This is a good puzzle game which is easy to play, but difficult to master. Definitely fun nevertheless.

BC Bill
Neo-Rio says: Club those dinosaurs! I didn't know they has walking food in prehistoric times (fast food?). You must club it, cook it, and put it in your cave. You can club women and put them in your cave too, but don't cook them or they'll push you onto the fire!

Wavy Navy
Neo-Rio says: Roll up and down the waves while blasting the planes out of the sky. It's like space invaders, but with the annoyance of the waves, and the mines and missiles that can hit you if you don't ride the waves correctly.

Neo-Rio says: Don't laugh. I really liked this game when I first played it back in the 80s. A joke these days, but it's a nostalgic trip for me when I play it.

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

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