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GB64 Recommended Games...

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Jimbo says: The 1st thing that hits you in this game is the thumping Dave Whittaker soundtrack. The 2nd thing that hits you is the urge to play it over and over again!

Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge
Neo-Rio says: Daley Thompson has a lot to answer for. The games he graced, especially this one, were primarily responsible for thousands of broken joysticks all around the world.

Arcade Classics
graveyardjohn says: An excellent Firebird £1.99 game, with four classic arcade games - Spacewar, Snakes, Space Invaders and Asteroids, and a top Hubbard heavy-rock soundtrack.

Gateway to Apshai
J2003C says: The looks are deceptive here. Completing each dungeon takes skill, patience, experience and knowlege about the monsters. Quite addictive!

Mayhem says: The best fighting game on the C64, and one of the best ever. Three fighters ups the ante and the bonus game is cunning enough to reward those skillful to defeat it. Even better than classic now you can have 3 humans in the action with the hack that is available.

Guessing Game
J2003C says: This is the best, and only, 1 block game in the GBC. You'll try to guess the number, then try to guess why in the world you ever loaded this game!

graveyardjohn says: Simple yet addictive, Slurply involves sucking up blue dots, and eating cave creatures while trying not to be killed by them. Try it and see!

Bop'n Rumble
Neo-Rio says: Comic book violence! Beat up old men, old ladies who throw handbags, the odd banana throwing gorilla, basketball players, fat men etc. Your impressive line up of ridiculous fighting moves will give you a good laugh.

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