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GB64 Recommended Games...

AleTsg says: You must see the intro of this game, it has a great music perfomed with a drum. Great!

Neo-Rio says: Another roadblasters-like game, as you must drive shipments of goods between towns, while blasting at anything else on the road. Quite an impressive selection of car add-ons is available.

One Man and his Droid
Neo-Rio says: This game has to be one of the most frustrating of all time. You think you've got a sheep and then... it escapes! If you haven't pulled all your hair out by then, you'll really enjoy the Hubbard soundtrack.

Total Eclipse
Neo-Rio says: Ok, so it's not Tomb Raider and the 3D graphics are slow, but it's forgivable here as Total Eclipse is a very well designed adventure game. Beware of the booby traps in the pyramid!

Lady Tut
Neo-Rio says: Another Apple][ port on the C64. It's a fun game, but becomes even more so when you find the gun in it.

Jaw Breaker
Neo-Rio says: This is a game that belonged on the Atari 2600, but this Commodore 64 version is fun - despite the creepy smiles on the Jaw Breakers.

Bubble Bobble
Jimbo says: Probably the best 2-player platformer in existence, and a great arcade conversion! "I'm forever bloooowing bubbleeeees"...

Air Rescue I
J2003C says: This game is simple looking, but demands some skill. Similar to Fort Apocalypse in feel, but unique enough to make it stand on it's own as a solid shoot'em up.

Arc of Yesod, The
AleTsg says: Simple but fashinating game, I have spent on it more that one life!

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