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GB64 Recommended Games...

Steve says: final installment in the "enchanter" series of interactive-fiction by infocom. in my opinion, the best one of the series. Far more difficult, but far mor enjoyable and satisfying than the first two titles.

Quest for the Holy Grail, The
Neo-Rio says: Here's a graphical text adventure based of the well known Monty Python movie. Here, you'll find the three headed knight, the knights who say NIC!, and that insane french guard!

CJ's Elephant Antics
graveyardjohn says: Elephant Antics harks back to the pixel perfect jumping reminiscent of 'New Zealand Story'. Guide your elephant (CJ, or his mate) across levels of cute baddies in this multi-directional scrolling 2D platform game to reach your goal.

Rick Dangerous
Neo-Rio says: Before they went on and did Tomb Raider, CORE designs came out with this platformer. A real playable platforming gem, complete with Tomb Raider style booby-traps!

Mayhem in Monsterland
Pugsy says: This game came at the end of the c64s mainstream life, the technical advances shine through and it's a fun game even if it does 'borrow' slightly from a certain console game.

Motor Mania
Steve says: First racing game I played on the C64, great fun. This is the one where you could run over pedestrians, correct? ;-)

Pugsy says: This game is most people's top ten, a classic and definitely Andrew Braybrook's finest hour (which is saying a lot in itself!)

ThunderCats - The Lost Eye of Thundera
Neo-Rio says: I can't say I liked the cartoon that much, but this game is quite fun and a bit frustrating. I dunno how this cartoon's theme tune found its way into "Bomb Jack II" though - that was just weird.

Steve says: Alright, i know... how can you ....? But i love that game and I guess it's one of the first games i've ever seen on the C64. Coded in Basic and still enjoyable.

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