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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: I think the game designers ripped the game concept for this game off an obscure arcade game... but that doesn't stop it being addictive and difficult. It's half puzzler, half action, all frustrating! But I like it!

Hocus Focus
Neo-Rio says: A punk haired reporter has to sneak into the mad professor's lair and take photos of bits his latest invention - just mind the weird ghosts, and don't forget the keys to the fans. Enjoy Whittaker's "Lazy Jones"-esque music too.

Steve says: cool game with great sound (check out the Romeo Knight feat. Beastie Boys Remix of the tune on

Kikstart II - The Construction Set
graveyardjohn says: Q: How much fun can you have with this?!! A: A lot! Re-enact those lost summer holiday mornings where unfortunate 12 year olds fell off their motorbikes and incurred time penalties. Dougie Lampkin not included.

David's Midnight Magic
Neo-Rio says: The most playable Pinball game on the C64, considering the field design was ripped off the acclaimed real-life pinball table "Black Knight". If you can get more than 640,000 you'll have beaten my high score.

Championship Sprint
graveyardjohn says: Half the fun of this Super Sprint sequel is the easy to use construction kit. Always wanted a course made almost entirely of bridges and tunnels? Nows your chance.

F-15 Strike Eagle
Neo-Rio says: Before games genius Sid Meier made "Civilisation", he made this game. It's an arcade style fighter jet simulation, which is lots and lots of fun.

Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!
Neo-Rio says: Ah... the beach head. Four playable mini games with in game speech. Who can forget the pleading of your captured POW trying to escape? "Hey! Don't shoot me!" he would say, but we shot him anyway.

Bard's Tale , The - Tales of the Unknown
Steve says: Oh yeah, The Bard's Tale. Sleepless nights in Skara Brae. The good old times when a role paying game really was fun. The Bard's Tale definitely is one of the best classic, oldschool RPGs.

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