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GB64 Recommended Games...

Burnin' Rubber
Neo-Rio says: A clone of the well known arcade game... but a very playable one that keeps you very entertained

Super Skramble!
Neo-Rio says: It's a nostalgia trip every time I play this game. Naff music. Naff graphics. However it's still a fun game any way you look at it.

Strike Force Cobra
Neo-Rio says: Four elite soldiers must stop the detonation of a bomb. Not a military sim, and not a shoot'em up, the game is more of a platformer with strategic elements. You'll need skill and planning to beat this game.

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

J2003C says: This game is very fun and actually finishable without cheating. Better than Gauntlet, but only 1-2P. Golem controls for 1P are hard, but still fun. Chosing the right weapons and collecting the right treasures take experience and trial-and-error.

Neo-Rio says: I love blasters. SWIV is the sequel to "Silkworm". Yet another shooter which is very well done and playable. Somebody has to play as the jeep though...

Neo-Rio says: Classic early beat-em up. We used to sneak into the classroom during lunchtime to play this game when the teacher wasn't looking. Good memories of my school days.

Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom
Neo-Rio says: This used to be a fairly popular game back in the 80s as I remember. Looks dated now of course, but I remember it for its nostalgia value.

F-15 Strike Eagle
Neo-Rio says: Before games genius Sid Meier made "Civilisation", he made this game. It's an arcade style fighter jet simulation, which is lots and lots of fun.

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