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GB64 Recommended Games...

Flying Ace
Neo-Rio says: Not exactly the arcade "Sky Kid", but plenty of fun to be had here nevertheless. Despite the limited gameplay, the game is on the right side of frustrating to ensure you keep coming back.

Arc of Yesod, The
AleTsg says: Simple but fashinating game, I have spent on it more that one life!

Neo-Rio says: Another bizarre and trippy game with some excellent music. You have to clean up 15 or so sectors, with bizarre aliens in each sector to deal with. It's a little different than most shoot'em ups. That's for sure.

International Soccer
Michael Plate says: Brilliant sports game at the time. In '85 I lost the final of the International Soccer school championships against my brother. Damn!!

Captain Blood
Neo-Rio says: This space adventure game has this feature where you can talk to characters about things using a symbolic language.

Neo-Rio says: Alleykat is supposed to be about futuristic racing, but this game plays more like a 3D shoot'em up in the mould of Zaxxon. The game oozes class, a cool title track, great C64 graphics, and a nasty thing called a Katerkiller. I played this one for ages....

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Neo-Rio says: If you're too young to remember He-Man, then you missed out on cartoons, plastic toys, a feature film... and this game. It's not a good game by a long stretch, but the Ben Daglish soundtrack gives me some nostalgia.

Space Rogue
Neo-Rio says: Apparently this game is pretty darn good. I haven't played it much, but I can tell you it is. So there!

Rambo - First Blood Part II
Neo-Rio says: Da na na na nah.... na na nah... Yeah this game was the most popular one out back in '86

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