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GB64 Recommended Games...

Hero Quest
Neo-Rio says: Not a bad conversion of the Milton Bradley board game. With a series of quests it becomes more like a simplified RPG - which means it's very easy to get into.

West Bank
Neo-Rio says: A clone of the arcade game "Bank Panic". This game is almost identical in playability to the original arcade game. Good news is, it's just as fun.

Lord of the Balrogs
Neo-Rio says: Don't laugh at the graphics or ye will anger.... The Lord of the Balrogs. Play this game and you will be addicted to.... The Lord of the Balrogs.

Neo-Rio says: Based on the 50s cowboy movie of the same name, complete with a rendition of the theme tune. The animations are cute with some nice touches - particularly the undertaker. A nostalgic trip, although not the greatest game ever.

ThunderCats - The Lost Eye of Thundera
Neo-Rio says: I can't say I liked the cartoon that much, but this game is quite fun and a bit frustrating. I dunno how this cartoon's theme tune found its way into "Bomb Jack II" though - that was just weird.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Neo-Rio says: If you're too young to remember He-Man, then you missed out on cartoons, plastic toys, a feature film... and this game. It's not a good game by a long stretch, but the Ben Daglish soundtrack gives me some nostalgia.

Cosmic Causeway - Trailblazer II
Neo-Rio says: WOW... the speed of this game will blow your socks off. Cosmic Causeway is the sequel to Trailblazer, the latter being a classic in it's own right. This time, our Amiga-ball gets to blast things too!

Neo-Rio says: C64 rip-off of the old Atari game... playable but fondly remembered for the Michael Jackson "Billy Jean" SID music cover!

Spy vs Spy
Neo-Rio says: Classic game, first of a trilogy of like-minded games featuring MAD magazine's characters. Controls are a bit tricky, but once mastered it's a blast (literally) to outsmart your opponent with deadly traps.

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