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GB64 Recommended Games...

Jimbo says: For a £1.99 budget game, this rocked! Great little multi-screen shoot'em-up, that has a cool melodious tune to listen to whilst you play!

Neo-Rio says: This is not the best game ever, but it's really playable. Collect powerups, destroy large ships and save the galaxy.

Neo-Rio says: Based on the 50s cowboy movie of the same name, complete with a rendition of the theme tune. The animations are cute with some nice touches - particularly the undertaker. A nostalgic trip, although not the greatest game ever.

Brian Jack's Uchi-Mata
Steve says: I never thought Judo could ever be done well on a home computer. Until i tried this game. As soon as you get the hang with your joystick, you won't stop playing matches over and over again.

Little Computer People
Pugsy says: This is not really a game, but it was some simple fun. Unfortunately, this 'game' was the grandfather of the Sims series of games which now seem to have got completely out of control.

Super Gridder
Neo-Rio says: A simple little addictive game. Not much more to say than that. It's even more fun when you disable sprite collision play the game completely unchallenged....

Aliants - The Desperate Battle for Earth
Matt Larsen says: My mum had bought this game for me on my birthday for a couple bucks. I think it is the best game Keypunch ever put out in my opinion. The different themes make it fun, especially for budget software...

Sentinel, The
Neo-Rio says: What do you get when you cross 10,000 levels of 3D graphics, a real time virtual reality strategy game, and ONLY 64K of memory? You get this programming masterpiece of a game! It was mindblowing in it's time and is still as playable today!

BC II - Grog's Revenge
Neo-Rio says: The sequel to BC's Quest for Tires. Very tricky and suspenseful arcade game. You'll scare yourself when Grog catches up to you! Great fun.

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