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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: An immensely beautiful platform game, with some great music and playability. A bit frustrating at times, but not enough to keep you coming back.

Neo-Rio says: A C64 clone of the legendary arcade game "Time Pilot". This version has dated a bit but is just as fun nonetheless.

Fighter Bomber
Neo-Rio says: Much like Chuck Yeager's flight sim, this game is all in polygon 3D. This game, however, lets you dogfight other planes and blow things up!

Neo-Rio says: If you liked the arcade game Joust, here's more of the same but with a bit of a twist!

Neo-Rio says: Another side-scrolling shooter game with class. This game is REALLY HARD, but for some reason I got addicted to it, despite dying over and over again.

Neo-Rio says: This is like the poor-man's Elite. Not as complicated as that title, but still easier to get into and rewarding when you actually manage to find planets to land on.

Sentinel, The
Mayhem says: Totally original, totally compulsive, totally mindbending. A lot of people didn't get it at the time... pity. Truly a classic game.

Neo-Rio says: This game is much like gauntlet, but here you can collect magics and finish sub-game puzzles. The rune collection aspect of the game keeps you hooked.

Suicide Express
Neo-Rio says: Fondly remembered for it's Bladerunner-esque music and the sythesized voice which tells you your score when you die. I don't understand why the author made many clones of it, the game is a bit average.

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