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GB64 Recommended Games...

Neo-Rio says: A classic on the NES, this conversion of the arcade game to the Commodore 64 only disappoints a little because of some missing levels and no two player option. Other than that, it's just as fun.

Beach-Head II - The Dictator Strikes Back!
Neo-Rio says: Ah... the beach head. Four playable mini games with in game speech. Who can forget the pleading of your captured POW trying to escape? "Hey! Don't shoot me!" he would say, but we shot him anyway.

Mayhem in Monsterland
Mayhem says: Flashy, fast, slick... and highly playable. The pinnacle of console-like gaming on the C64.

Steve says: final installment in the "enchanter" series of interactive-fiction by infocom. in my opinion, the best one of the series. Far more difficult, but far mor enjoyable and satisfying than the first two titles.

Bobby Bearing
Neo-Rio says: A classic on the Spectrum, the C64 version is not very different. An addition of a jolly music score will inspire you to find all the bearings across a "Marble Madness" inspired world.

F-15 Strike Eagle
Neo-Rio says: Before games genius Sid Meier made "Civilisation", he made this game. It's an arcade style fighter jet simulation, which is lots and lots of fun.

Skool Daze
Neo-Rio says: I had more fun getting told off, amassing tons of lines, and shooting the other kids with the peashooter to actually bother to play this game properly.

Legend of Sinbad, The
Neo-Rio says: A fun and frustrating multipart game. The first level rips off the old arcade game "Tutankham", but it becomes more original later on.

Air Support
J2003C says: I used to like to play in strategy mode, allowing more time to plot each move of my army. Action mode can be fun too, but the computer has the advantage. Just watch those robot soldiers convulse as they go into battle! Takes time to learn the controls.

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