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GB64 Recommended Games...

Bard's Tale , The - Tales of the Unknown
Steve says: Oh yeah, The Bard's Tale. Sleepless nights in Skara Brae. The good old times when a role paying game really was fun. The Bard's Tale definitely is one of the best classic, oldschool RPGs.

graveyardjohn says: Responsive controls, a lush, detailed backdrop, an addictive mini-game involving lots of balls, and a great two/three player game to top it all.

Neo-Rio says: Puzznic was actually an obscure Japanese arcade adult puzzle game. The C64 version is extremely playable, but just don't expect any nude pictures... they're not here!

Downhill - Ski Jump
Neo-Rio says: One of the better games from the Cascade 50 games cassette, even if your skiier has no arms. Different levels require different skiing tactics... until you need the ambulance.

Air Rescue I
J2003C says: This game is simple looking, but demands some skill. Similar to Fort Apocalypse in feel, but unique enough to make it stand on it's own as a solid shoot'em up.

Slapshot II - International Hockey
Neo-Rio says: Best played with your friends! All the thrills and spills of ice hockey, complete with penalty shootouts, and real in-game speech! What makes this game lots of fun though, is the ability to trip players and start hockey fights while the crowd goes wild! "Penalty! Tripping!"

Lode Runner
Neo-Rio says: A classic platform game in every respect. If you haven't played it, you've been living under a rock. There's a level editor in there too, so you won't get bored easily when there's all those levels of treasure to collect.

Fist II - The Legend Continues
AleTsg says: A really great adventure, unfortunally bugged. A "must-to-see"

Hat Trick
J2003C says: Very close to the arcade game. Great feel and good response to joystick input. Makes a great 2P game too. Very challenging on the expert setting.

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