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GB64 Recommended Games...

Heart of Africa
Neo-Rio says: Much like "Seven Cities of Gold", this game differs in that we're in Africa this time... As always, you're trying to track down treasure of some kind. Prepare for a grand adventure!

Mayhem says: Once you get over the initial control foibles (which sadly put quite a few people off), there's a whole new world out there just waiting to be coloured up. Cunning, ruthless and fun, if a bit easy. Gameplay ideas were second to none however.

Dark Star
Jimbo says: I don't know why I like this game, I just do. It has crap music and graphics, but if you're bored for a few minutes, give it a try!

Hacker II - The Doomsday Papers
Neo-Rio says: Your expert hacking skills are required again to remotely control robots and splice security footage so that you can escape with the enemy plans without being detected. A unique experience to be played with the lights out!

Neo-Rio says: The gameplay of the arcade original faithfully ported to the C64. The result is a lot of fun. It's you against the clock. Get to the end of the obstacle course by any means!

Steve says: sure thing this one is to include in my all-time-favourites. First one in the enchanter series by infocom, later followed by the even better "sorcerer" and the fantastic "spellbreaker". You, a novice enchanter, are sent to defeat an evil warlock bent on taking over the world.

One on One
Matt Larsen says: Boy this is an oldie... There is nothing better than doing a reverse slam dunk while breaking the backboard glass, all over your friends head. And then you could watch it all again on instant replay!

Mayhem says: The best fighting game on the C64, and one of the best ever. Three fighters ups the ante and the bonus game is cunning enough to reward those skillful to defeat it. Even better than classic now you can have 3 humans in the action with the hack that is available.

Impossible Mission
Jimbo says: Classic platformer action. They don't come much better than this!

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