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GB64 Recommended Games...

graveyardjohn says: One of the first batch of Tetris releases to the world, the C64 version is not so much a game, its more of a diversion while you enjoy the 20-odd minute soundtrack.

Mail Order Monsters
J2003C says: M.O.M. takes Archon into the realm of an RPG. Customize your monsters, fight when strong, run when weak and you'll always be coming back for more.

Master of the Lamps
graveyardjohn says: 3D on the Commodore? Well, sort of. Fly through the hoops and reach the genie, before doing it again. Great fun in short bursts.

Galactic Games
Neo-Rio says: A very weird multi-eventer. Psychic Hockey and the Marathon would have to be my favourite events. The marathon in particular is a very original and playable challenge.

Steve says: well, this is it. How fast do you want to die? A really challenging adventure with a great parser (as usual in infocom adventures). Don't be mislead by missing grafics, this game will haunt you and won't let you get away from the game easily. f you like this one, be sure to check out the releated Wishbringer, Enchanter and Spellbreaker adventure games!

Steve says: Those were the times when games with a unique idea and amazing addiction were published. I guess most people ever having owned a commodore 64 rate this game very high and most probable rank it in their personal all-time-favorite-list.

graveyardjohn says: LOGON PLEASE: is of course how this starts, but to say more would spoil the fun, half of which is to find out exactly what to do! Tricky, engrossing, and sometimes frustrating, but entertaining nonetheless.

Neo-Rio says: Nuke all the planets you can, but mind that they get a bit angry when they're nuked. I have no idea why you have to blow up entire galaxies, but it sure makes for an excellent arcade game!

Chuckie Egg
Jimbo says: Fantastic little platformer. It's fast, frantic, fun and irritatingly addictive! Play it at work while your boss isn't watching!

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