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GB64 Recommended Games...

Skate or Die!
graveyardjohn says: Tony Hawks Pro Skater, but 10 years earlier! Get with 'the kids' and take on your mates (or the computer) on a variety of different activities, including half-pipe, downhill jam, and a battle in an empty swimming pool.

Wings of Fury
Neo-Rio says: A classic on the Apple ][, the C64 version doesn't disappoint either. Unlike Choplifter, you get rewarded for blasting the little people off the ground in this game!

Neo-Rio says: A playable "Bomberman" clone. Not much more to say other than that this is real fun.

Cavelon II
Neo-Rio says: Addictive! Somehow by collecting pieces of a broken door, you can use it to escape to the next level (what the...?). Get Excaliba and hunt your enemies on a duck! (didn't steal that idea from Jouste, did they?).

Neo-Rio says: Another classic and brilliant game. The graphics and music are fantastic, and the game is sufficiently long and challenging.

Guessing Game
J2003C says: This is the best, and only, 1 block game in the GBC. You'll try to guess the number, then try to guess why in the world you ever loaded this game!

One on One
Matt Larsen says: Boy this is an oldie... There is nothing better than doing a reverse slam dunk while breaking the backboard glass, all over your friends head. And then you could watch it all again on instant replay!

Hocus Focus
Neo-Rio says: A punk haired reporter has to sneak into the mad professor's lair and take photos of bits his latest invention - just mind the weird ghosts, and don't forget the keys to the fans. Enjoy Whittaker's "Lazy Jones"-esque music too.

Summer Camp
Neo-Rio says: Colourful and playable platform game, as your mouse must find the flag to summer camp.

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