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GB64 Recommended Games...

Le Mans
Neo-Rio says: This was the first game I had for my C64. I always loved the original Sega Monaco GP, and this game is a blatant rip-off!

Highway Encounter
Neo-Rio says: A bunch of robots have to push a rather special bomb to the end of the highway - but unless you clear a path for them, they'll get zapped before they finish their job. Quite a challenge.

Neo-Rio says: This game makes the NES "Bomberman" games look lame and simplistic. Here you can have up to 4 players, loads of different weapons, and the ability to create your own drone army! This battle royale rocks!

Neo-Rio says: You've got a squadron of 6 ships who have to hunt down and blast pods throughout a maze of tunnels, in order to make the area safe. Thing is, there are enemies out there who will try and shoot your squad down. Good Luck!

Enforcer - Fullmetal Megablaster
Neo-Rio says: Next to Armalyte, this has got to be one of the best blasters on the 64. Made by the people who did Turrican, no less.

Neo-Rio says: This game nearly got scrapped for being too similar to "R-Type". Fortunately it survived, and what a fun game it is too. Katakis lives!

Neo-Rio says: A nice but tricky puzzle game. Create loops with the pieces you are given. Bigger loops mean bigger points, but don't get carried away. The play area is very small! The Dave Whittaker soundtrack is great.

Granny's Garden
Neo-Rio says: If you're old enough to remember playing this game on a Commodore 64 at your primary school, then you will have fond memories of this game like I do.

graveyardjohn says: Another top 2 player game - bursting the bubbles causes them to double in number but halve in size, so you can't go hitting anything that moves or you'll be dead in seconds. Think Asteroids, but not in space. With gravity. And men instead of ships.

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