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GB64 Recommended Games...

Matt Larsen says: This is one of the games I actually BOUGHT that wasn't pirated. Hours upon hours of gameplay and I could never get past the end stage! The different themes and music make this game quite an experience.

Pugsy says: This game is most people's top ten, a classic and definitely Andrew Braybrook's finest hour (which is saying a lot in itself!)

Neo-Rio says: This is Jeff Minter's C64 psychadelic masterpiece. Just don't play this game on any mind altering drugs, and be careful if you have epilepsy. This game will warp your head!

Rocky Horror Show, The
Neo-Rio says: Let's do the time warp again.... This game is as weird as the original musical. If you're not stripped naked in-game, you'll be blasted, hit by the motorcycle, or run out of time.

Neo-Rio says: A platforming puzzle game. As a trusty hound, you must ensure that your sleepwalking master doesn't do himself in as he makes his nightly rounds. Should be a tough challenge!

One Man and his Droid
Neo-Rio says: This game has to be one of the most frustrating of all time. You think you've got a sheep and then... it escapes! If you haven't pulled all your hair out by then, you'll really enjoy the Hubbard soundtrack.

Matt Larsen says: I never got tired of winning this game. Just don't forget to buy Ghost Bait!

Mayhem says: Utterly superb shooter based on Stargate by Archer Maclean. If you can't beat it, copy it!

Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer
Neo-Rio says: This is without a doubt, THE best flight simulator on the C64. Not only is the game in polygon 3D, but you get to have plane races and perform trick manoeuvers like a test-pilot.

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