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GB64 Recommended Games...

Castle Wolfenstein
Neo-Rio says: "Achtung!" As well as being banned in Germany, this is the original inspiration for iD's "Wolfenstein 3D" and the FPS genre. This golden oldie forces you to rely on stealth more than firepower however. In game speech too.

Neo-Rio says: I remember this game more for the nostalgia and the music. Get R1-D1 to the exit, but you'll have to collect all the keys in the correct order.

Neo-Rio says: A classic arcade conversion to the C64. Despite missing a few levels from the arcade game, the playability is flawless. The Rob Hubbard soundtrack puts the arcade version's to shame.

Castles of Doctor Creep , The
Michael Plate says: Challenging arcade puzzle game. Can be also played together with a friend.

Neo-Rio says: I'm not sure what you're supposed to do in this game - but I remember having a blast playing it! It's a case of Marble Madness meeting... something else!

Wonderboy in Monsterland
Neo-Rio says: This conversion maintains everything that made the original arcade game fun. It's a platform roleplaying game of the highest order. Lots of varied enemies to fight, and lots of gold and goodies to get!

Neo-Rio says: Although largely a disappointment on the C64 (thanks to the Spectrum look and feel), the game is still somewhat fun. It's like Gauntlet in 3D, and once you get used to the controls - you may have a blast.

Steve says: This one is a great racing game or almost to say, a simulator. Not that easy to get into it, but once you did, you'll sure like it!

Bop'n Rumble
Neo-Rio says: Comic book violence! Beat up old men, old ladies who throw handbags, the odd banana throwing gorilla, basketball players, fat men etc. Your impressive line up of ridiculous fighting moves will give you a good laugh.

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