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Gamebase20 v0.2 available!

Discuss the Commodore VIC20 database that uses the GameBase Frontend.

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Gamebase20 v0.2 available!

Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:47 am

With thanks to Robert Hurst for initial hosting here for the masses... it's time to unveil the goodness and let it shine forth to those who want it ;)

Gamebase20 v0.2

One known current issue: Pilot Pursuit TAP doesn't work with Vice v2.x currently. Already resolved for the next release in due time.

Please report any issues you may find and I will seek to investigate them.

And have a Merry Vic-mas ;)
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Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:20 pm

This is a really great Gamebase collection. 8)

2 small comments:
  • In vic20_v02.zip I find the following empty folder structure:

    Code: Select all

    Program Files
    These folders are redundant and can be removed from the zip file.
  • You make use of the GEMUS Emulator Setup Wizard. That's the way I like to see it.
    Did you know you can autostart the wizard the first time the collection is started? To do this, just set the field FirstLoadGemusAsk to 1 in the table Config in Vic20_v02.mdb. You can also type a welcome/info message there.
Thanks again. Hope I will find some time to play with this collection. A lot of nice releases these days!
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Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:33 pm

Great it's done :D :wink: :!:

Thank's a lot, Mayhem

I knew, you give us this great Gift for Christmas 8)
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Thu Dec 24, 2009 7:11 pm

I have tried to use the new WinVICE 2.2 in this Gamebase, but found out that it doesn't work.
Reason: the command line option -joydev2 is removed in version 2.2, because a VIC20 has only one joystick port.
Since the GEMUS script makes use of this -joydev2 option, an error is displayed and WinVICE will not start.
I've made these small modifications to the GEMUS script:
  • Joystick emulation on port 1 is activated with keyset A, if the controls for the currently selected game are set to Joystick Port 1 or Joystick Port 2.
  • If it is a multiplayer game, emulation for an extra joystick is activated with keyset B.
  • WinVICE 2.2 can emulate a light pen. This is supported by the modified GEMUS script. I've not been able to test it, because there is no game in this collection that uses a light pen.
Here is the modified WinVICE 2.2 GEMUS script for the VIC20 (just copy and paste it over the current GEMUS script in GEMUS / WinVICE 2.1):

Code: Select all

;* WinVICE GEMUS Script *
;*   (c) The GB Team    *
;*   16 December 2004   *
; Emulator File: XVIC.EXE
; Associated File (1): vice.ini
; Use Short Filenames: YES
; File Types:  D64;T64;G64;G41;TAP;CRT;P00;PRG
; This script was written for WinVICE v1.15 but
; may work with other versions too.
; Memory configuration is set through the key=value pair:
; memory=x
; where x is: none,all,3k,8k,16k,24k,"0,1,2,3,5" or "04,20,40,60,A0"
; as specified in the VICE manual section
; (Note: the Memory Expansion field can not be used by GEMUS)
; If the program requires a SYS call to start, then use:
; sys=x
; where x is the starting address as entered from BASIC
; and it will be displayed in a REM statement in the emulator
; Multipart cartridges must have the memory locations in the file names.
; The cartridge memory locations are set in the key=value pairs
; cart=A
; cart2=B
; where A and B are 2000,4000,6000,a000 or b000 (or 20,40,60,a0 or b0).
; Single carts may need to have a cart=A value set..

If GameType CONTAINS(d64||t64||g64||g41||tap||crt||prg)

	;set paths to file location for possible image swaps

	;autostart or 'manual load' the game image
	If Key_cart CONTAINS(*)
		If Key_cart CONTAINS(*20*)
			Add_CLP( -cart2 %gamepath%\*%cart_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart CONTAINS(*40*)
			Add_CLP( -cart4 %gamepath%\*%cart_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart CONTAINS(*60*)
			Add_CLP( -cart6 %gamepath%\*%cart_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart CONTAINS(*a0*)
			Add_CLP( -cartA %gamepath%\*%cart_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart CONTAINS(*b0*)
			Add_CLP( -cartB %gamepath%\*%cart_value%*.*)
		End If

		If Key_cart2 CONTAINS(*20*)
			Add_CLP( -cart2 %gamepath%\*%cart2_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart2 CONTAINS(*40*)
			Add_CLP( -cart4 %gamepath%\*%cart2_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart2 CONTAINS(*60*)
			Add_CLP( -cart6 %gamepath%\*%cart2_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart2 CONTAINS(*a0*)
			Add_CLP( -cartA %gamepath%\*%cart2_value%*.*)
		ElseIf Key_cart2 CONTAINS(*b0*)
			Add_CLP( -cartB %gamepath%\*%cart2_value%*.*)
		End If

		;autostart or 'manual load' the game image (with SYS call messages)
		If VersionComment CONTAINS(*load manually*)
			;check if a SYS call is needed to start
			If Key_sys CONTAINS(*)
				Add_CLP( -keybuf "REM LOAD MANUALLY THEN START WITH SYS%sys_value%%crlf%")
			End If
			;check if a SYS call is needed to start
			If Key_sys CONTAINS(*)
				Add_CLP( -keybuf "SYS%sys_value%%crlf%")
			End If
		End If


		;autostart or 'manual load' the game image (with SYS call messages)
		If ImageName CONTAINS(*)
			If VersionComment CONTAINS(*load manually*)
				;check if a SYS call is needed to start
				If Key_sys CONTAINS(*)
					Add_CLP( -keybuf "REM LOAD MANUALLY THENSTART WITH SYS%sys_value%%crlf%")
					Add_CLP2( -autoload "%gamepathfile%:%c64imagename%")
					Add_CLP2( -autoload "%gamepathfile%:%c64imagename%")
				End If
				;check if a SYS call is needed to start
				If Key_sys CONTAINS(*)
					Add_CLP( -keybuf "%crlfx2%%crlfx2%SYS%sys_value% PRESS ENTER‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘%crlf%")
					Add_CLP2( -autoload "%gamepathfile%:%c64imagename%")
					Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%:%c64imagename%")
				End If
			End If
			If VersionComment CONTAINS(*load manually*)
				;check if a SYS call is needed to start
				If Key_sys CONTAINS(*)
					Add_CLP( -keybuf "REM LOAD MANUALLY THENSTART WITH SYS%sys_value%crlf%")
					Add_CLP2( -autoload "%gamepathfile%)
					Add_CLP2( -autoload "%gamepathfile%)
				End If
				;check if a SYS call is needed to start
				If Key_sys CONTAINS(*)
					Add_CLP( -keybuf "%crlf%%crlfx2%%crlfx2%%crlfx2%SYS%sys_value% PRESS ENTER‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘%crlf%")
					Add_CLP2( -autoload "%gamepathfile%")
					Add_CLP2( -autostart "%gamepathfile%")
				End If
			End If
		End If
	End If

	;do we want a PAL or NTSC setup?
		Add_CLP( -ntsc)
		Add_CLP( -pal)
	End If

	;settings for expanded memory
	If Key_memory CONTAINS(*)
		Add_CLP( -memory %memory_value%)
		;Add_CLP( -reu -reusize %memory_value%)
		Add_CLP( -memory none)
		;Add_CLP( +reu)
	End If

	;set the game controls
	;0=None, 1=Numpad + RCtrl, 2=Keyset A, 3=Keyset B, 4+ are for real joysticks/pads;
	If %gamefile% CONTAINS(*)
		If Control = JoyPort2
			Add_CLP( -joydev1 2)
			If NumPlayers > 1
				Add_CLP( -extrajoydev1 3)
				Add_CLP( -extrajoydev1 0)
			End If
		ElseIf Control = JoyPort1
			Add_CLP( -joydev1 2)
			If NumPlayers > 1
				Add_CLP( -extrajoydev1 3)
				Add_CLP( -extrajoydev1 0)
			End If
		ElseIf Control = Lightpen
			Add_CLP( -lightpen)
			Add_CLP( -joydev1 0)
			Add_CLP( -extrajoydev1 0)
		End If
	End If

	;unsupported game controls
	If Control = PaddlePort1
		Show_Message(This emulator does not have Paddle emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
	ElseIf Control = PaddlePort2
		Show_Message(This emulator does not have Paddle emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
	End If

	;give the user a warning message?
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*use real C64*)
		Show_Message(This game may not work properly with this emulator.%crlfx2%See Version Comment for more info.)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*not 100%*||*not working*||*doesn't work*)
		Show_Message(This game may not work properly.)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*load manually*)
		Show_Message(You must load this game manually within the emulator.%crlfx2%Game file: %gamepathfile%)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*PET Emulator*)
		Show_Message(Use PET Emulator to run this game.)
	End If

	;run the emulator


	;invalid game file type
	Show_Message(GAME_NOT_SUPPORTED%crlfx2%Supported types: D64, T64, G64/G41, TAP, CRT, PRG, P00)

End If
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Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:24 pm

thank you Mayhem. 8)
i have been looking forward to see this.

also thanks K.C. for the script update.
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Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:24 pm

Vice 2.2 is NOT supported by this release, and not just because of the GEMUS script (which was an unexpected change made after I'd already packaged this for distribution). Some TAPs do not auto run either. I've made the relevant changes for 2.2 although some more might be in order once the availability of paddle control is assessed for example.

So to repeat... GB20 v0.2 officially only supports up to Vice 2.1.
K.C. wrote:These folders are redundant and can be removed from the zip file.
Actually they shouldn't be, they contain specific GB20 related files that are different to the main ones supplied with the frontend. Some of the little icons are different on the tabs for example.
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Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:45 pm

Mayhem wrote:Vice 2.2 is NOT supported by this release, and not just because of the GEMUS script (which was an unexpected change made after I'd already packaged this for distribution). Some TAPs do not auto run either. I've made the relevant changes for 2.2 although some more might be in order once the availability of paddle control is assessed for example.

So to repeat... GB20 v0.2 officially only supports up to Vice 2.1.
Ah, I see.
I hope you don't mind if I still use 2.2. :wink:
I'm very happy with both WinVICE 2.2 and GB-Vic20. I like the new *real* full screen mode and the free resizable windowed mode introduced in WinVICE 2.2. That's the reason I wanted to use 2.2 for myself, but I understand why you couldn't include it yet in this release.
Mayhem wrote:
K.C. wrote:These folders are redundant and can be removed from the zip file.
Actually they shouldn't be, they contain specific GB20 related files that are different to the main ones supplied with the frontend. Some of the little icons are different on the tabs for example.
I find these folders 2 times in the Zip archive. One time under the Vic20_V02 folder. These folders contain the icons and other files you mention.
But next to the Vic20-V02 folder (in the 'root' of the zip file) I see a folder named Program Files containing the (empty) folder structure mentioned in my previous post. IMO this one is redundant and can be put away from the zip archive.
It's not really a problem, but they are not needed and could be a bit confusing.

Again, thanks a lot for this release, it's one of the best Gamebase distributions I've seen so far.
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Fri Dec 25, 2009 4:28 pm

Thanks Mayhem for a great xmas present. keep up the great work.
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Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:55 pm

K.C. wrote:But next to the Vic20-V02 folder (in the 'root' of the zip file) I see a folder named Program Files containing the (empty) folder structure mentioned in my previous post. IMO this one is redundant and can be put away from the zip archive.
Yeah, I saw this myself by unzipping the archive myself. It DOES NOT appear in the window when I open the archive though, only when I extract. Most peculiar, and why I never spotted it originally. I'll have to find a way around it. Do you see it in the archive when opening it before extracting? If so, what are you doing to see it, or what program are you using? Just to bug hunt...
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Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:23 pm

I'm using Compressed Folders (integrated in Windows XP Pro) and I see the Program Files folder just after opening the archive by double clicking the file.
I've also tried 7-Zip, WinRar and WinZip, all with the same result: I see the empty folders just after opening the archive. Don't need to extract them before I see the folders.
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Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:14 pm

I'll open it with WinRAR and check it then. It does not appear when I open it with WinZIP... odd. Unless there's a setting I need to tick to get it to appear there...
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Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:06 pm

Are the missing games findable on the Net?
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Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:29 pm

Of the missing games that just have entries and not a runnable file, they pretty much boil down into three categories:

- someone I know has it (which is why I added it) and I just need it to be dumped and sent the scans for inclusion
- titles cribbed from mail order lists, catalogues and magazine adverts awaiting someone to actually find and preserve the game
- magazine type-in listings that haven't been typed-in
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Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:05 pm

Vicman has a lot of the missing games is his eCCVic-20 game collection downloadable from underground-gamer. It also contains many screenshots as well.
Last edited by hardmanm on Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:10 am

Someone was kind enough to provide me with that... I will be going through it at some point to see what's what in there...
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