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Having trouble setting up Gemus

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Having trouble setting up Gemus

Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:19 pm

I've got the newest version of Gamebase installed, and have just installed GBC_v07. But when I run the Gemus emulator setup wizard, it isn't finding my installed copy of CCS64 v3.7. - First I pointed it at my gamebase folder and it automatically located and set up Winvice 2.2, but when I restarted the wizard to point it at my program files folder, where CCS64 is installed, it says it couldn't find it, even though I am pointing it right at the directory Computerbrains C.C.S\CCS64 V3.7. Any idea why it can't find it?

Also, I am trying to point the gamebase to where the sidplayer is located, but I don't know how to do that. The readme says:

The Last thing you need to specify is the path to the SID player. To do so, click Tools, Options, or press Ctrl+O.
Click the tab SID-Players and double click Sidplay 2 for windows.
Browse to the sidplay2w.exe file and click OK.

But there is no SID-Players tab under Tools>Options.

Also, under paths, there is a tab for HVSC, can anybody tell me what that is?

Can anybody help?
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Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:04 am

edit the gemus.dat file so it contains the correct CRC32 of the ccs64.exe file.

you can find the CRC32 if you RAR / ZIP the file and open the archive in WinRAR.


Code: Select all

[Commodore 64]
¬CCS64 v3.8¬http://www.ccs64.com¬¬CCS64.exe¬7e5cfcfb¬D64;G64;G41;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬CCS64-v38.txt¬c64.cfg¬
¬CCS64 v3.8(2005)¬http://www.ccs64.com¬¬CCS64-2005.exe¬96ca2229¬D64;G64;G41;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬CCS64-v38.txt¬c64.cfg¬
¬CCS64 v3.7¬http://www.ccs64.com¬¬CCS.exe¬eb0dee52¬D64;G64;G41;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬CCS64.txt¬c64.cfg¬
¬Hoxs64 v1.0.6.0¬http://www.hoxs64.net¬¬hoxs64.exe¬32f4ab1b¬FDI;D64;G64;T64;TAP;P00;PRG;SID¬Y¬Hoxs64.txt¬
¬WinVICE v2.2(x86)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬A9BA6DD6¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE-v22.txt¬vice.ini¬
¬WinVICE v2.2(x64)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬f5d542c8¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE-v22.txt¬vice.ini¬
¬WinVICE v2.2(ia64)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬67b612db¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE-v22.txt¬vice.ini¬
¬SDLVICE v2.2(x86)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬21a71b4a¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE-v22.txt¬vice.ini¬
¬SDLVICE v2.2(x64)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬35c22e06¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE-v22.txt¬vice.ini¬
¬SDLVICE v2.2(ia64)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬7a8b36cc¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE-v22.txt¬vice.ini¬
¬WinVICE v2.1(x86)¬http://www.viceteam.org¬¬x64.exe¬6228C629¬D64;D71;D80;D81;D82;G64;G41;X64;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬WinVICE.txt¬vice.ini¬

or just create these files and make sure they point to you correct filename and directory paths.


Code: Select all

1=Sidplay 2 for Windows
[Sidplay 2 for Windows]


Code: Select all

EmulatorPathFile=C:\Program Files\GameBase\gbc_v07\Emulators\CCS64v38\CCS.exe
1=C:\Program Files\GameBase\gbc_v07\Emulators\CCS64v38\c64.cfg
EmulatorPathFile=C:\Program Files\Gamebase\gbc_v07\Emulators\WinVICE-2.2-x86\x64.exe
1=C:\Program Files\GameBase\gbc_v07\Emulators\WinVICE-2.2-x86\vice.ini
EmulatorPathFile=C:\Program Files\GameBase\gbc_v07\Emulators\Hoxs64\hoxs64.exe
;1=C:\Program Files\GameBase\gbc_v07\Emulators\Hoxs64\
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Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:45 pm

Thank you - as soon as I edit the gemus.dat file, I get the following error when I run the wizard:

A GEMUS Script file could not be found in the \Scripts folder!
C:Program Files\Gamebase\GBC_V07\gemus.dat (Line12)

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

I tried editing the emulators.ini file directly as above, and that seemed to work, but I don't have a script file for hoxs64 - the gamebase didn't come with one. Where can I get the script?
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Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:59 pm

Each line in the GEMUS.DAT file begins with a ¬ character... make sure you've not got any rogue carriage returns in there. Open it in Notepad and disable the word wrap feature to check this...
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Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:02 pm

Code: Select all

;* Hoxs64 GEMUS Script *
;* (c) The GB64 Team   *
;*   Autoload by K.C.  *
;*  7th December 2009  *
; Emulator File: HOXS64.EXE
; Associated Script File (1): SC.EXE or SCMAIN.EXE (optional)
; Use Short Filenames: YES
; File Types: D64;PRG;TAP;P00;(T64)
; This script was written for Hoxs64 C64 Emulator v1.0.5.27,
; but will work with other versions too.
; Emulator Website: http://www.btinternet.com/~hoxs64
; "Auto Load" from the menu will work for most D64 and TAP images,
; since the first file is usually the desired file and
; "Auto Load" only works for the first file.
; The Star Commander (SC.EXE or SCMAIN.EXE) is required as a script file
; to convert T64 files into PRG files. T64s will not work without it.

If GameType CONTAINS(d64||tap||p00||prg||t64)

   ;emulator settings are stored in the Windows Registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hoxs64
   Add_CLP( -autoload %gamepathfile%)
   If Key_hoxsnum CONTAINS(*)
      Add_CLP( %hoxsnum_value%)
      Add_CLP( 0)
   End If

   ;no command line parameters or autoloading features are available

End If

;There is no Keyboard Joystick (JoyKey) emulation: PC Joysticks are required.

;unsupported game controls
If Control = Mouse
   Show_Message(This emulator does not have Mouse emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
ElseIf Control = Lightpen
   Show_Message(This emulator does not have LightPen emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
ElseIf Control = KoalaPad
   Show_Message(This emulator does not have KoalaPad emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
ElseIf Control = LightGun
   Show_Message(This emulator does not have LightGun emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
ElseIf Control = PaddlePort1
   Show_Message(This emulator does not have Paddle emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
ElseIf Control = PaddlePort2
   Show_Message(This emulator does not have Paddle emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
End If

;give the user a warning message?
If VersionComment CONTAINS(*use C64S*||*use VICE*||*use CCS*||*use real C64*)
   Show_Message(This game may not work properly with this emulator.%crlfx2%See Version Comment for more info.)
End If
If VersionComment CONTAINS(*not 100%*||*not working*||doesn't work*)
   Show_Message(This game may not work properly.)
End If
If VersionComment CONTAINS(*PET Emulator*)
   Show_Message(Use PET Emulator to run this game.)
End If
If VersionComment CONTAINS(*ATTN:*||*NOTE:*||*ATTN!:*||*NOTE!:*)
   ;point out that critical info is in the version comment
   Show_Message(Read this game's Version Comments for very important information/instructions.)
End If
If VersionComment CONTAINS(*VIC-20*||*VIC20*)
   If VersionComment CONTAINS(*emulator*)
      Show_Message(Use VIC-20 column Emulator to run this game properly.)
   End If
End If

;run the emulator
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Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:53 pm

Thanks for the script, .mad. Can that script be used for the Demobase C64 also?

So my scripts seem to be okay now, but I still can't get the wizard to run with the gemus.dat posted above. There must be something wrong with that text for it not to run, no?

If I take the first line on the gemus.dat posted above:

¬CCS64 v3.8¬http://www.ccs64.com¬¬CCS64.exe¬7e5cfcfb¬D64;G64;G41;T64;P00;TAP;PRG;CRT¬Y¬CCS64-v38.txt¬c64.cfg¬

and paste that into my existing gemus.dat, right under "[Commodore 64]", I get the error. If I remove that line, then my gemus.dat is ok and the wizard runs. It won't let me add any of the new lines. Maybe if somebody posted their complete gemus.dat? Or is that it?
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Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:27 am

A file with the name CCS64-v38.txt containing the GEMUS script should exist in your Scripts folder.
If not, either rename the .TXT file in your Scripts folder to CCS64-v38.txt, or modify the last part of the line in GEMUS.DAT so that is matches the name of your GEMUS script file.
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Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:53 am

Thanks, that did it. I had to delete the lines in my GEMUS file regarding the other versions, because I was running into the same error. But once I deleted the lines for the older emulators, the wizard runs now.
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Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:07 pm

Can that script be used for the Demobase C64 also?
The scripts are written especially for the emulators.
so can be used in ALL game/demobases that use them.

and before you ask...


Code: Select all

;*  CCS64 v3.8 GEMUS Script   *
;*      (c) The GB64 Team     *
;*       16 August 2007       *
;New settings for Control Ports in CCS64 v3.8
;0 = None
;1 = Joystick
;2 = Mouse
;3 = Paddles
;Control Port Mode
; 0 = PC Gameport 1
; 1 = PC Gameport 2
; 2 = PC Gameport 3
; 3 = PC Gameport 4
; 4 = PC Gameport 5
; 5 = PC Gameport 6
; 6 = PC Gameport 7
; 7 = PC Gameport 8
; 8 = PC Gameport 9
; 9 = PC Gameport 10
;10 = PC Gameport 11
;11 = PC Gameport 12
;12 = PC Gameport 13
;13 = PC Gameport 14
;14 = PC Gameport 15
;15 = PC Gameport 16
;16 = Key-Set 1
;17 = Key-Set 2
;18 = Key-Set 3
;19 = Adapter Port 1
;20 = Adapter Port 2

; Emulator File: CCS64.EXE (DOS Version)
;                CCS.EXE   (DirectX Version)
; Associated Script File (1): C64.CFG
; Use Short Filenames: YES
; File Types: D64;T64;PRG;P00;P01;G64;G41;CRT;TAP
; This script was written for CCS64 v3.8,
; and may not work with other versions.
; Emulator Website: http://www.ccs64.com
; To enable the REU (RAM Expansion Unit),
; use the key=value pair: reu=x
; where x is 128,256,512,1024,2048,4086,8192 or 16384

If GameType CONTAINS(t64||prg||p00||p01||d64||g64||g41||crt||tap)

	;Screen mode (and window mode) options
	;Some video modes may not be supported and may look different dependent on used emulator
	;Option to start in a preset screen mode. Some video modes may not be supported.
	;CCS64 v2: 0=windowed, 10=600x800.
	;CCS64 v3: 0=Window, 1=Window 2X, 3=Window 3X, 12=320x200x16, 13=320x240x16, 14=400x300x16.

	;Option to start in windowed mode. Not all video modes are supported,
	;The window is not floating (it is fixed in the upper-left corner)
	;This option is only valid for the DirectX emu versions
	;Add_CLP( -window)

	;set the HardSID ID (5 is the default ID)
	;This option is only valid for the emu versions supporting HardSID 
	;Add_CLP( -hardsid 5)

	;option to disable/enable sound

	;Option to use max emulator speed during disk load (not always reliable)

	;set disk save mode (0=never, 1=ask, 2=continuously)

	;do we want a PAL or NTSC setup?
		;1=NTSC (65x263), 2=NTSC (65x262)
		;0=PAL (63x312)
	End If

	;load the selected game image
	Add_CLP( %gamepathfile%)
	If GameType CONTAINS(d64||t64)

		;true drive emulation?
		If TrueDriveEmu = NO
			Add_CLP( -fastload)
			Add_CLP( -normalload)
		End If
	End If

	;set the game path for the emulator

	;check for 'manual load' verison comments
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*load manually*)
		Add_CLP( -manualrun)
		;autorun the loaded image
		Add_CLP( -autorun)
	End If

	;option to set screenshot size settings to 320x200 with no C64 border (GBC style)

	;set the game controls
	;These settings are designed to automatically set the controls for player 1
	;to the same controller, regardless of which PORT the game uses for player 1.
	;PORTx: 0=None, 1=Joystick, 2=Mouse C1531, 3=Paddles
	;MODE for PORTx=1: 0=PC Gameport 1, 1=PC Gameport 2, 2=Key-Set 1,
	;     3=Key-Set 2, 4=Key-Set 3, 5=Adapter Port 1, 6=Adapter Port 2
	;MODE for PORTx=2: 0=PC Mouse, 1=PC Gameport 1, 2=PC Gameport 2,
	;                  3=Key-Set 1, 4=Key-Set 2, 5=Key-Set 3
	;MODE for PORTx=3: 0=PC Mouse+PC Mouse, ..., 80=PC Mouse+Key-Set 3,
	;     48=PC Mouse+Key-Set 1, 64=PC Mouse+Key-Set 2
	;Replace * with <DISABLED> to disable the automatic settings for the JoyPorts
	If %gamefile% CONTAINS(*)
		If Control = JoyPort2
			;default for JoyPort2 is PORT2=Key-Set 2 (and PORT1=Key-Set 1) 
			If NumPlayers > 1
			End If
		ElseIf Control = JoyPort1
			;default for JoyPort1 is PORT1=Key-Set 2 (and PORT2=Key-Set 1)
			If NumPlayers > 1
			End If
		ElseIf Control = Mouse
			;C1531 Mouse in PORT1
		ElseIf Control = PaddlePort1
			;PaddlePort1 is typically for 1P or 2P (Simultaneous) games
			;default is player 1 uses PC Mouse, player 2 uses Key-Set 2
		ElseIf Control = PaddlePort2
			;PaddlePort2 is typically for 2P (Alternating) or 1P PORT2 games
			;default is both players 1 and 2 use the PC Mouse
			;clear the ports if not one of the above controls
		End If
	End If

	;REU (Ram Expansion Unit) = 128,256,512,1024,2048,4086,8192 or 16384 kB
	If Key_reu CONTAINS(*)
		;enable REU and set to reu value
		;set REU to reu value in number of 64kB units
		If Key_reu CONTAINS(128)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(256)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(512)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(1024)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(2048)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(4096)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(8192)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(16384)
		ElseIf Key_reu CONTAINS(no||no*||off||false||0)
			;disable REU if set to off
			;default to 512 kB for all other REU values (on, yes, 500, etc.)
		End If
		;disable REU
	End If

	;unsupported game controls
	If Control = Lightpen
		Show_Message(This emulator does not have LightPen emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
	ElseIf Control = KoalaPad
		Show_Message(This emulator does not have KoalaPad emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
	ElseIf Control = LightGun
		Show_Message(This emulator does not have LightGun emulation.%crlfx2%This game may be uncontrollable/unplayable.)
	End If

	;give the user a warning message?
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*use VICE*||*use C64S*||*use CCS v1*||*use real C64*)
		Show_Message(This game may not work properly with this emulator.%crlfx2%See Version Comment for more info.)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*not 100%*||*not working*||doesn't work*)
		Show_Message(This game may not work properly.)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*load manually*)
		Show_Message(You must load this game manually within the emulator.%crlfx2%Game file: %gamepathfile%)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*PET Emulator*)
		Show_Message(Use PET Emulator to run this game.)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*ATTN:*||*NOTE:*||*ATTN!:*||*NOTE!:*)
		;point out that critical info is in the version comment
		Show_Message(Read this game's Version Comments for very important information/instructions.)
	End If
	If VersionComment CONTAINS(*VIC-20*||*VIC20*)
		If VersionComment CONTAINS(*emulator*)
			Show_Message(Use VIC-20 column Emulator to run this game properly.)
		End If
	End If

	;run DirectX or DOS emulator


	;invalid game file type
	Show_Message(GAME_NOT_SUPPORTED%crlfx2%Supported types: D64, T64, G64/G41, TAP, CRT, P00, P01, PRG)

End If
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Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:59 pm

Thanks! Much appreciated. So then I can always copy newer emulators and associated scripts over to Demobase c64 with no problems? Is it safer to avoid newer emulators without a newer script? I am te mpted to grab the newest emulators when I see them listed in the forums, but sometimes I'm afraid it will break something if a newer script isn't posted with it.

Something else I've been wondering - I've noticed that most scripts say to check "use short filenames", but some gamebases don't mention it. Should that option always be checked for all emulators, or does it depend on the gamebase and emulator?
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Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:16 am

oknihcap wrote: Is it safer to avoid newer emulators without a newer script?.
simple answer is to test it first.
99 times out of 100 it will work without any problems.

only if the code in the emulator has changed significantly will it not work correctly. But it won't break it. :wink:
you can always backup your setup and scripts first before you try it.

The use short filenames is more of a operating system thing.
DOS uses a standard 8 characters + 3 for the extension.

XP NTFS can have a filename 255 characters, and the total path length is limited to approximately 32,000 characters.
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Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:11 pm

Gotcha, thanks for the explanations.

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